Meditation is the art of focusing the mind and relaxing the body by combining breathing techniques and situational awareness. Practicing yoga combats stress while keeping you active. Maintaining, improving and increasing healthy relationships with supportive friends and family members powerfully promotes resilience. Many find that connections with a religious family, neighbors, and even pets help them feel positive and energized, even if children and grandchildren aren't around. Participating in activities that support personal care can help reduce stress and anxiety.
These may include exercise and mindfulness practices. Remembering the evolutionary value of stress can improve your performance and, paradoxically, reduce the feeling of stress, since you are not adding “stress from stress” to the stress that aroused the original trigger. A 6-week study with 185 university students found that doing aerobic exercise 2 days a week significantly reduced overall perceived stress and perceived stress due to to uncertainty. In addition to being a natural skin moisturizer and an antibiotic, honey also provides compounds that reduce inflammation in the brain, meaning it fights depression and anxiety.